Roman infection of the world

It was the post roman empire colonisation of the world that corrupted our culture and environment.

We were not living in poverty and dying like flies of tropical diseases. Those things were caused by the infection of the roman lack of culture. Before they came, Africa (and other places like Indonesia, South America . . . ) was like paradise. Our culture was in perfect harmony with earth. It left no scars. The only permanent marks we left on the environment were our numerous footpaths through the jungle.

Even our mining of copper and iron did not pollute the earth the way ‘improved’ technologies do. When we moved on, we filled the mine in and the earth claimed back what we left; a new topography, feela.

The sickness was earth’s reaction to the infection. Unfortunately for us, she is better at defending herself than we are. All the pests on earth are reactions to imbalances that we create in the environment.

This is not to say that it is a punishment from earth. It’s not personal – just because you have HIV does not mean that you are the wicked one. It’s a reaction to the species. Earth does not pick and choose among us.

That was like Adam’s role – to be among the people and be able to experience and advance the human race, naturally ie in harmony with the will of earth. But by breeding a private race, Adam rebelled against earth and became satan. Ever since then he and his followers have been rounding up the human race in support of his ‘religions’ and doing everything possible to destroy earth.

The suffering we are all going through now is earth trying to survive. We as a species need to turn our backs on the lies of satan’s religions and our hearts towards healing earth.

Now. Before it’s too late.